
Electron Analyzers and Spectrometers

Our range of energy analyzers and spectrometers feature exceptionally high resolution and proven performance for AES, UPS and HREELS. Both fixed and rotatable analyzers are available.

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Electron Sources

We offer both medium and high resolution sources for AES, flood gun charge neutralization and demanding applications (inverse UPS, EELS) requiring electron monochromators at state-of-the-art performance.

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Electron Sources

We offer both medium and high resolution sources for AES, flood gun charge neutralization and demanding applications (inverse UPS, EELS) requiring electron monochromators at state-of-the-art performance.

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Ion Sources

The NGI3000 is a proven sputter source for sample cleaning and other ion beam applications.

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We offer a wide range of LEED instruments all featuring precision optics and proven performance for both LEED and retarding-field AES, including low-current MCP models. The R-Dec 30 keV RHEED gun is widely used for MBE and thin film studies.

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We offer a wide range of LEED instruments all featuring precision optics and proven performance for both LEED and retarding-field AES, including low-current MCP models. The R-Dec 30 keV RHEED gun is widely used for MBE and thin film studies.

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Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy (TDS, TDP)

Our fully integrated TDS system provides quantitative, high sensitivity information on chemical species desorbing from a sample when heated.

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UHV Systems for Surface Science

We offer a range of standard and custom vacuum systems for surface science applications. Contact us for cost effective solutions tailored to your specifications.

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UHV Systems for Surface Science

We offer a range of standard and custom vacuum systems for surface science applications. Contact us for cost effective solutions tailored to your specifications.

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UHV Components

Visit this page to see UHV Components.

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